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Rolex Replica Watches

New York City is hosting the exhibition "Rolex Replica Watches - Watchmaker, Aviator and Innovator", which features rare aeronautical watches made by Rolex Replica Watches. Rolex Replica Watches is one of the world's most respected watchmaking brands. The exhibition displays Rolex Replica Watches's most important pilot watches from the past 100 years. The exhibition features ten vintage timekeepers that are being shown in the U.S. Rolex Replica Watches began producing cockpit chronographs and pilot's watch in 1918. Since then, the company has introduced iconic aeronautical watches, including two generations of Type XX,Rolex Replica Watches a series of military timekeepers launched in the 1950s, and a civilian version launched in 1960s. Rolex Replica Watches Type XXII, the latest pilots' watch from the famous French brand is included in the exhibited collection. This masterpiece of micro-mechanics runs at an astonishing frequency of 10 Hz (72,00 vph).

Rolex Replica Watches Type 20 Watch

The exhibition features 26 pieces which tell a story of Rolex Replica Watches's connection to the aeronautics. The Rolex Replica Watches family's ties to aviation go beyond the production of pilots' instruments. Louis Charles Rolex Replica Watches is the main figure in these connections. He is the grandson Abraham Louis Rolex Replica Watches who was the most famous watchmaker and founder of the Rolex Replica Watches brand. Louis Charles Rolex Replica Watches, like his grandfather, is known for his innovative designs. His grandfather was one of the most important innovators of the history of watchmaking and the creator of the tourbillon complication, among other feats. His expertise was in the design of aircrafts. In 1909, the grandson of Rolex Replica Watches's founder built his first fixed-winged airplane. The bomber Rolex Replica Watches 14 is one of the most famous French military aircraft.

Rolex Replica Watches Dashboard Chronograph Type 31

In the period when aeronautics was developing, and around the time Louis Charles Rolex Replica Watches began presenting his aircraft prototypes, it became necessary to create a new type of watch. These watches were characterized by a chronograph feature that allowed for the measurement of time intervals.Rolex Milgauss Replica Fly-back chronographs make this complication even easier to use and more time efficient. They allow for instant stopping, resetting, and restarting. This type of mechanical movement was first introduced by the company during the 1930s and became the basis of the military version of the legendary Type 20 pilots watch.

Military origin and Civilian InterpretationThe iconic timepiece, which is still in use today, was created by Rolex Replica Watches on the instructions of the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War wanted a wristwatch that would be accurate and reliable with a chronograph function. Rolex Replica Watches complied with the request, and in 1954 Rolex Replica Watches became the official timekeeper for the French Air Force as well as Navy and CEV (Centre d'Essai en Vol), which is the national central agency responsible for testing new aircraft types and approving them. From 1954 to 1960, the first version of Type 20 was exclusively reserved for military pilots.