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Barbara Block, United StatesBarbara Block has developed innovative electronic tagging methods for tracking fish under the sea. She and her team aim to create a new technology to observe ocean hotspots to help conserve marine predators along the west coasts of North America. These predators are vital for maintaining the delicate balance in ocean ecosystems. Their population has declined due to pollution, habitat destruction, and overfishing.

Scientists who are trying to create large marine protected zones face a major challenge in finding the best locations to build these sanctuaries. This is because the tracking of these species that migrate a lot can be difficult. Barbara Block's technology, which incorporates the latest advances in ocean observing systems,Best Replica Watches sensor technology and computational methods will give data on both the sustainability and exploitation of marine predators.

Erika Cuellar (Bolivia)For more than 10 years, the largest national park in Bolivia, Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco has been the home of Erika Cuellar. She has trained the indigenous Guarani to preserve their habitat with their own hands. The world's largest tropical dry forest is home to 70 species of large mammal, including jaguars and pumas.

Cuellar will now move on to the Gran Chaco, which includes Bolivia, Brazil Paraguay, and Argentina. Since more than a hundred years, its natural resources, which include 400 plant species,Patek Philippe Aquanaut Replica Watches 150 mammal and bird species, have been under threat. This includes the wild ancestors to domesticated llamas, guanacos.

Cuellar, a native of Guarani, Ayoreode, and Chiquitano, trained three ethnic groups as parabiologists five years ago. These parabiologists are native residents and play an important role in spreading conservation values to native communities. Cuellar wants to expand her work in Paraguay and Argentina, creating a long-term sustainable local employment option.