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The Swiss watchmaker Patek Philippe Replica announced the winners of its 2012 Patek Philippe Replica Awards for Enterprise. The interdisciplinary Jury selected five people from 3,500 nominees in 154 countries for their innovative projects that took place in Australia, Bolivia and the United States.

The jury, which included scientists, explorers and environmental activists, as well as doctors, educators and entrepreneurs, selected Sergei Bereznuk Erika Cuellar and Mark Kendall,replica watches Aggrey Otieno, and Barbara Block for their enterprise and concern about the environment. Each award comes with 100,000 Swiss Francs and an Patek Philippe Replica Watch.

New laureates from all over the world will be recognized at an event in New Delhi on November 27, 2012. The ceremony will include 400 distinguished individuals. The Patek Philippe Replica Awards Project has already recognized and supported 115 people in 42 countries over the past 36 years.

Meet the New Laureates

Sergei Bereznuk (Russia)The 51-year old Russian conservationist and ecologist has been fighting to save the Amur Tiger for 17 years. He believes that the effectiveness of anti-poaching and education of locals are essential elements for saving the subspecies, also known as the Siberian Tiger.Audemars Piguet Millenary Replica The Patek Philippe Replica Award winning project is based on these elements.

95 percent of Amur's remaining population lives in the Russian Far East. The tigers are still at risk, despite the fact that permanent conservation efforts over the last few years saved them from being "critically endangered". This is mainly due to poaching. Sergei Bereznuk believes that the Amur Tiger is a powerful force for the conservation of the ecosystem in the taiga forests. Bereznuk, as the director of the Phoenix Fund and his six-person team, are doing a great job to protect the largest of the tigers in the world over a 166,000 km2 territory.